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Resource Library

*Most resources offered here apply to Southern California gardens and may not be appropriate for other locations. 

Garden Education

  1. UCANR Garden Web Searchable Database
  2. Tree of Life Nursery:
  3. Theodore Payne 
  4. California Native Plant Society (Calscape)
  5. This website offers educational resources, ID, garden planning resources
  6. Gardening in LA Blog & Newsletter (by Yvonne Savio: Los Angeles-based gardener🙂 
  7. UC Master Gardener Program: 
  8. Organic Farming Research Foundation 

Tree Selection

  1. SelectATree – Cal Poly Tree Selection Guide
  2. Oaktopia – Join Dave Muffly in his efforts to find and plant resilient trees that will combat climate change for California, and the rest of the world…

Pest Management

  1. UC IPM: 
  2. Weed Management: ​​ 
  3. Natural Environment Pests: 
  4. Pest Notes: 
  5. Solarization Guide:​​ 

CA Native Nurseries

  1. Palos Verdes Land Conservancy 
  2. Tree of Life; San Juan Capistrano 
  3. Theodore Payne; Sun Valley 
  4. Plant Material; Los Angeles 
  5. Artemisia Nursery; Los Angeles: 
  6. Hahamonga Nursery – Local Los Angeles Nursery with wonderful selection of hyperlocal plants

Edible Starts

  1. Artemesia Nursery; Los Angeles: 
  2. Lincoln Ave Nursery; Pasadena: 
  3. Fig Earth Supply; Los Angeles: 


  1. LA Compost: 

Irrigation and Water Savings:

Hunter Dripline Calculator – Helpful tool to evaluate how long to run your system.

California Dept. of Water Resources Guide for Water Efficient Landscaping

Dry Creeks and Rain Gardens

  1. The Watershed Approach to Landscaping
  2. UCANR Plant Selection for Rain Gardens

Beneficial Bugs and Pollinators

  1. Beneficial Bugs and Pollinators: 
  2. Monarchs: 
  3. Bees and Pollination: 
  4. Plants to Attract Birds: 
  5. Certified Wildlife Habitat Cerfication: 
  6. Selecting Plants for Pollinators: 
  7. Home Grown National Park – Great resource to learn more about creating habitat starting in your yard!! 
  8. Keystone Plants by Ecoregion

Soil Testing

  1. UMass Labs: 
  2. Wallace Laboratories (El Segundo):

Fire Wise Landscaping

1. California Native Plant Society Article

Water-Wise Gardening

  2. WaterWaterwise Garden Planner:

Food Gardening

  1. No-Till Food Gardening: 


  1. Farmer’s Almanac
  2. All about Espalier: Garden Therapy

  1. Empress of Dirt:

Pruning Tips for New Gardeners (Trees, Shrubs, and Vines)

Ecologand Interesting Reads, Books, and Podcasts

**check back as we will be frequently adding to this list!**

Cayote and Thunder Website: Thought-provoking essays, links to Place and Purpose Podcast and more resources from Naturalist, Artist and Philosopher Obi Kaufman

Golden State Naturalist – Wonderful podcast with an abundance of thought-provoking topics related to California Ecology and Natural Spaces