*Most resources offered here apply to Southern California gardens and may not be appropriate for other locations.
Garden Education
- UCANR Garden Web Searchable Database: https://ucanr.edu/sites/gardenweb/
- Tree of Life Nursery: https://californianativeplants.com/education/beginner-blogs/
- Theodore Payne: https://theodorepayne.org/learn/blog/
- California Native Plant Society (Calscape): https://calscape.org/
- This website offers educational resources, ID, garden planning resources
- Gardening in LA Blog & Newsletter (by Yvonne Savio: Los Angeles-based gardener🙂 https://www.gardeninginla.net/
- UC Master Gardener Program: https://sonomamg.ucanr.edu/Sustainable_Home_Gardening/Monthly_Garden_Tips/
- Organic Farming Research Foundation: https://ofrf.org/
Tree Selection
- SelectATree – Cal Poly Tree Selection Guide: https://selectree.calpoly.edu/search-trees-by-characteristics/
- Oaktopia – Join Dave Muffly in his efforts to find and plant resilient trees that will combat climate change for California, and the rest of the world… https://www.oaktopia.org/
Pest Management
- UC IPM: https://ipm.ucanr.edu/index.html
- Weed Management: https://sonomamg.ucanr.edu/Integrated_Pest_Management/Weeds/
- Natural Environment Pests: https://ipm.ucanr.edu/NATURAL/index.html
- Pest Notes: https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/menu.homegarden.html
- Solarization Guide: https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74145.html
CA Native Nurseries
- Palos Verdes Land Conservancy https://pvplc.org/plant-sales/
- Tree of Life; San Juan Capistrano https://californianativeplants.com/
- Theodore Payne; Sun Valley https://theodorepayne.org/plants-and-seeds/nursery/retail-nursery/
- Plant Material; Los Angeles https://plant-material.com/
- Artemisia Nursery; Los Angeles: https://www.artemisianursery.com/
- Hahamonga Nursery – Local Los Angeles Nursery with wonderful selection of hyperlocal plants
Edible Starts
- Artemesia Nursery; Los Angeles: https://www.artemisianursery.com/
- Lincoln Ave Nursery; Pasadena: https://lincolnavenuenursery.com/
- Fig Earth Supply; Los Angeles: https://www.figearthsupply.com/
- LA Compost: https://www.lacompost.org/resources
Irrigation and Water Savings:
Hunter Dripline Calculator – Helpful tool to evaluate how long to run your system.
California Dept. of Water Resources Guide for Water Efficient Landscaping
Dry Creeks and Rain Gardens
- The Watershed Approach to Landscaping
- UCANR Plant Selection for Rain Gardens
Beneficial Bugs and Pollinators
- Beneficial Bugs and Pollinators: https://plant-material.com/pages/beneficial-bug-guide
- Monarchs: https://xerces.org/sites/default/files/publications/19-002_03_Western%20monarchs%20are%20in%20trouble_this%20is%20how%20you%20can%20help%202021_web.pdf
- Bees and Pollination: https://ucanr.edu/sites/Bees_and_Pollination/
- Plants to Attract Birds: https://www.audubon.org/native-plants
- Certified Wildlife Habitat Cerfication: https://www.nwf.org/CertifiedWildlifeHabitat/certify?source=WH18FSC
- Selecting Plants for Pollinators: https://pollinator.org/PDFs/Guides/CalifCoastalWoodlandrx4FINAL.pdf
- Home Grown National Park – Great resource to learn more about creating habitat starting in your yard!!
- Keystone Plants by Ecoregion
Soil Testing
- UMass Labs: https://ag.umass.edu/services/soil-plant-nutrient-testing-laboratory/lab-services
- Wallace Laboratories (El Segundo): https://wlabs.com/
Fire Wise Landscaping
1. California Native Plant Society Article
Water-Wise Gardening
- https://www.bewaterwise.com/
- WaterWaterwise Garden Planner: https://waterwisegardenplanner.org/plant-finder/
Food Gardening
- No-Till Food Gardening: https://sonomamg.ucanr.edu/Food_Gardening/Additional_KG_Articles/No-Till_Food_Gardening/
- Farmer’s Almanac https://www.almanac.com/pruning-101-guide-pruning-trees-and-shrubs
- All about Espalier: Garden Therapy
- Empress of Dirt:
Pruning Tips for New Gardeners (Trees, Shrubs, and Vines)
Ecology and Interesting Reads, Books, and Podcasts
**check back as we will be frequently adding to this list!**
Cayote and Thunder Website: Thought-provoking essays, links to Place and Purpose Podcast and more resources from Naturalist, Artist and Philosopher Obi Kaufman https://coyoteandthunder.com/
Golden State Naturalist – Wonderful podcast with an abundance of thought-provoking topics related to California Ecology and Natural Spaces https://www.goldenstatenaturalist.com/